Astro Packaging distributes hot melt glue for some of the largest hot melt manufacturers in the United States. Customers will often ask us what are the benefits when purchasing hot melt glue through a distributor instead of directly from the manufacturer. We hope to share a little bit of background and help answer this question.
Imagine you are in the process of shopping for a new car. Knowing where to go and starting the process is the most difficult. You will probably start your search on the web narrowing down the details of the style, color, and features you want. Once you have selected a car of interest, then you will visit the several local dealerships to test drive and get pricing. Out of these dealerships a number of them probably will have the exactcar your looking for, but what will make you sign on that dotted line and take that car home with you? The Outstanding Service.
Car buying is a stressful and sometimes an annoying experience. If you find a dealership that makes the experience less stressful that is the one who most likely you will do business with. Like buying your car from a dealership you enjoy, buying your hot melt glue through a trusted distributor is all about the personalized experience.
When you buy directly from a large manufacturer, you often lose the sense of partnership with your vendor. These large-scale manufacturers focus heavily on manufacturing while other important areas of business fall to the waste side. These manufacturers excel in R&D and engineering, where distributors thrive when it comes to sales and customer service. Distributors are in position to resolve issues quickly and find solutions effectively.
AstroAdhesives brings a belief in excellence, long-term commitment to service, and over 40 years of experience to the hot melt adhesive industry.
So why should you choose to purchase you’re hot melt supplies from Astro Packaging?
Same Day Shipping:
We understand that your equipment is an integral part of your production. To ensure less down time we can ship your order the same day we receive it. |
Local delivery & installation available in select locations:
Astro Packaging’s factory trained technicians will install your systems and train your mechanics for proper maintenance and minimal loss in production time. |
24/7 technical support & advice:
Our factory-trained technicians are available 24 hours a day, to handle any of your production emergencies. |
No automated voice answering system:
When you call Astro Packaging during our regular business hours you will always be greeted by an actual person. |
We handle small accounts like a big account:
Satisfying each and every customer is important to us. Whether you need a nozzle or a complete hot melt system we will do our best to assist you in making the right purchase. For more information on hot melt or liquid glue adhesives other applications, please visit us at |